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Invited Talks


9. November 2011

Research Seminars in Applied Linguistics Series (invited by Alessandro Benati)

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

Title: Third language acquisition of English 


14. January 2014

Research Seminar Series (invited by Anne-Kathrin Ochsenbauer)

Deutsch als Fremdsprache Institut

LMU Munich, Germany

Title: Methodological considerations in the research on cross-linguistic influences in L3 written English 


28. May 2014

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Universität Paderborn, Germany

Title: Inclusion meets trilingualism in the classroom: why and how can L2 learners benefit from L3 learners?


13. November 2014

Universität Münster, Germany

Title: "Sometimes I go to see him and then bring he the frog"? Checking predictions by existing models on syntactic transfer in L3 English ​


31. May – 01. June 2015

International workshop "Multilingualism and migration: predicting outcomes in third language acquisition"

LMU Munich, Germany

Title: Will L3 learners process input differently than L2 learners? 


23. June 2015

Guest Lecture (invited by Angela Hahn)

LMU Munich, Germany

Title: Processing Instruction 


03. July 2015

Universität Erfurt, Germany

Title: From input to output: Processing Instruction as a pedagogical intervention



Guest lecture (Ringvorlesung "Grenzen überschreiten") (invited by Sarah Mercer)

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria

Title: How do Language Learners Interact with Input?  From Psycholinguistic Theory to Input-based Practice in the EFL Classroom 




Universität Konstanz (invited by Tanja Kupisch)

Title: Transfer in the L3 caused by phonological similarity with the L2: Evidence from late unbalanced Russian-German bilinguals



University of Portsmouth, UK


Symposium on Second Language Acquisition Research:  A psycholinguistic and neuro-linguistic perspective  
Keynote (with Dietmar Roehm): Tapping into Children's Brains: A Neurocognitive Study on the Effectiveness of Processing Instruction for the acquisition of –ed



University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Invited Workshop

Title: The Whys, The Whats, and the Hows of Structured Input Activities for ELT


17-18 May 2019

Keynote at the 6th International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practices

University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Title: "When a psycholinguist enters the multilingual classroom": Bridging the gap between psycholinguistics and pronunciation teaching



14 July 2020

LMU München

Title: "Speaking and Pronunciation: Bilingual Processing Views"


21. January, 2022

University of Portsmouth, UK

Title: The effects of Processing Instruction on the morphosyntactic acquisition of English as L2/L3: a bi-national school-lab classroom study with mono- and bilingual school-age learners 




© Tanja Angelovska

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