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Conference Presentations


1.– 2. July 2008

Language Learning and Teaching Special Interest Group (SIG) Conference

British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL)

University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

Title: English with a native-like accent: An empirical study (paper presentation)


3. – 6. June 2009

International Conference on English Pronunciation: Issues & Practice (EPIP)

Université De Savoie, Chambéry, France

Title: What makes native-like speakers special? An empirical research on factors influencing L2 pronunciation (paper presentation)


6. – 8. October 2010

International Conference on Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies

University of Hamburg, Germany

Title: Degree of multilingualism: contributor to rating accuracy and spoken L2 proficiency?

(poster presentation)


15. – 17. September 2011

7th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism

Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland

Title: TLA- third language acquisition – the role of L2s (paper presentation)


4. – 5. July 2012

8th BAAL Language Learning and Teaching Special Interest Group Conference

Theme: Beyond the Beginner: Sustaining Second Language Learning

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Title: The age factor: effects of processing instruction on the past simple tense

(paper presentation)


6. – 8. September 2012

45th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, Theme: "Multilingual Theory and Practice in Applied Linguistics"

University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Title: The role of linguistic awareness in cross-linguistic interferences of L3 English

(paper presentation)


19. – 21. September 2012


University of Potsdam, Germany

Title: Features of spoken L3 English in an online discourse (paper presentation)


15. – 17. November 2012

International Workshop "New Perspectives on Crosslinguistic Influence in Language Learning"

University of Zadar, Croatia

Title: Linguistic awareness in L3 acquisition of English (paper presentation)


24. – 26. April 2013

International Conference "Thinking, Doing, Learning: Usage-Based Approaches to Second Language Learning"

Southern University of Odense, Denmark

Title: Can adults and school-age native speakers of German process English simple past tense correctly? The effects of Processing Instruction and the age factor (paper presentation)


28. – 31. August 2013


University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Title: How conscious are L3 learners of English about their L3 use? Multilingual language interaction in the mental L3 mind (paper presentation) 


12. – 14. June 2014

9th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism

University of Uppsala, Sweden

Organisation of the thematic symposium “Syntactic cross-linguistic influences in L3-acquisition”

• Title: "Last year was I in Russia"- L2 (German) syntactic transfer at initial and later stages of L3 English (paper presentation)


30. September – 02. October 2014

The 6th International conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (DGKL/GCLA), Constructions & Cognition

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Title: "He has an organ donor card, so accepted his wife that…"– Cognitive explanations for the cross-linguistic influences in L1 Turkish, L2 German and L3 English

(with: Yilmaz Wörfel Seda, Koch Nikolas, Hahn Angela & Riehl Claudia Maria)


23. – 25. March 2015

International Conference on Bilingualism

University of Valetta, Malta

Title: "Language typology, Proficiency and Processing Capacities in L3 Acquisition"

(paper presentation)



31. May – 01. June 2015

International Workshop "Multilingualism and Migration: Predicting Outcomes in Third Language Acquisition"

LMU Munich, Germany

Title: "Setting the L3 Agenda – Finding and Creating Synergies

(poster presentation)


23. – 26. September 2015


University of Paderborn, Germany

  • Organisation of the linguistic section "English in multilingual individuals, and societies"

  • Closing remarks



10. June – 12. June 2016

International Conference "New Sounds 2016"

University of Aarhus, Denmark

Title: "Phonological features trigger syntactic transfer: Implications for the L3 English classroom" (paper presentation)



19. July 2016 – 22. July 2016

ALA (American Association for Language Awareness) Theme: "Languages for Life: Educational, Professional and Social Contexts"

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria

Title: “Cross-linguistic Awareness of Third Language Learners of English”

(paper presentation)



03. November 2016

School of Education Posterkongress

Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg - School of Education

Title: "The effects of Processing Instruction on the processing of L2 English simple past tense by adults and school-age L1 German speakers" (poster presentation)


04. September - 07.September 2017

International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 

University of Crete, Chania, Greece

Title: "Phonologically induced syntactic transfer in L3 acquisition of English" (paper presentation)


9. – 11. October 2017
International Conference "Classroom-oriented research: The importance of a macro- and micro-perspective"
State University of Applied Sciences, Konin, Poland
Title: Children's Brains and the Effectiveness of Processing Instruction: An EEG Study on past simple –ed by L1 German school-age children (paper presentation with Dietmar Roehm)


30. August – 01. September 2018

MELDC18 (Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts) Conference

University of Valetta, Malta

Title: Bringing to light transfer effects of dominance and proficiency in L3 English acquisition: A self-paced reading study (with Dietmar Roehm and Sabrina Weinmüller)



6 - 8  September 2018

British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) 2018 "Taking Risks in Applied Linguistics"

York St John University, UK

Title: The effects of processing instruction on L2 online processing of –ed: a neurocognitive study

(with Dietmar Roehm)



15-18 November 2018

The 59th Annual Conference of the Psychonomic Society

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Title: An Online (R)examination of Frequency and Context Effects in Code-switching using the Auditory Moving Window (with R. Heredia and A. CieÅ›licka )


10. – 11. December 2018

International Workshop "Language in mind and brain"

LMU Munich

Title: An EEG study on the effects of processing instruction on the processing of –ed in L2 English

(with Dietmar Roehm)




Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference 

University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca 

Title: Transfer effects in L3 English sentence processing using the self-paced non-cumulative reading paradigm and ERPs

(paper presentation with Dietmar Roehm and Mariia Naumovets)







© Tanja Angelovska

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