Tanja Angelovska
Research on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
University of Kassel
M. A. Supervisions
Alexandra Unterberger, tba
Sabrina Klaffenböck, tba
Judith Klanner: tba
Sabrina Weinmüller: Syntactic transfer in third language acquisition of English: Evidence from self-paced reading and timed grammaticality judgments
Anna Veronesi: The Effects of Processing Instruction and Enhanced and Unenhanced Structured Input Activities on the Acquisition of the English Passive Voice
Philip Grasser: Analysis of Developmental Sequences in Austrian ELT Schoolbooks: Focus on Processability Perspectives
Patricia Teufl: Insights into Processing Instruction: The effects of PI on the acquisition of English third person singular -s
Heike Pichler: Facilitating learning and teaching English grammar in the Austrian multilingual classroom (1st supervisor: Hartmut Stöckl)
Mariam Kostandyan (now PhD student at Ghent University): Active Sentence Construction: An Eye Tracking study / Master Thesis at the Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain & Mind at the LMU Munich (2nd supervisor) /completed (1st supervisor Dragan Rangelov)