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B. A. Supervisions 
List of supervised B.A. theses at the University of Salzburg:
  • Andjela Milosavljevic - tba
  • Lukas Raser- A comparative study about the production of reliable and comparable results in research on language acquisition processes in immersion settings

  • Elena Hirsch - Processing Instruction - From Input Processing Theory to Structured Input Activities: Practical Guidelines for Teachers

  • Katharina Acherer - L2 English learners and their difficulties with the production of the 3SG s inflectional morpheme

  • Sebastian Pesl - Pienemann’s developmental stages in modern school textbooks

  • Anna Balidnger - The use of L1 German/English and L2 English/Germanin L3 Spanish: Cross-linguistic influence on L3 grammar production
  • Robert Dankert - A study on English L3 acquistion in L1 Russian L2 German individuals in Germany
  • Sandra Kiendler - Language planning and its classroom effects
  • Mirijam Lederer - The effects of Processing Instruction on the acquisition of English third-person singular -s: a case study
  • Julia Mader -  Second language acquisition and teaching perspectives in online video games
  • Ninna Fiia Mimosa Pohjola - Processing the third person singular -s: the role of prior linguistic knowledge
  • Sara Schneider - Current English grammar teaching in Austria: a journey through different approaches and strategies used to impart grammar in Austrian schools
  • Eva Steindl - Learning English in Austria The current situation compared to findings from recent research with a special emphasis on input


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